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Support our programs through directed giving to Wake Forest Anthropology

Thank you for your support of Anthropology at Wake Forest University. We are pleased to announce three new ways that your generosity can make a significant impact on our students, faculty, and community partnerships.

Fund for Student Engagement in Anthropology

Attending the annual Cherokee Indian Fair with classmates enrolled in a course on Native America, participating in a weekend archaeological excavation at a local site, conducting interviews in various Winston-Salem neighborhoods as part of a service-learning course on food justice issues, visiting the primate facilities at the NC Zoo in Asheboro, or designing an effective museum textile exhibit. These are only some of the potential activities supported by the Fund for Student Engagement. Anthropology comes alive in memorable ways when we have the means to fund such expenses as class transportation needs during short field excursions and supplies for courses designed with community engagement components.  This fund supports our transformative faculty and student efforts outside of the traditional classroom and enhances our impact through hands-on student experiences in our communities.

Click here to Donate to the Wake Forest University Department of Anthropology.  This link will pre-designate the desired fund on the donation form—you only need to enter your donor information, gift, and any matching information.

Fund for the Practice of Anthropology

As all of our faculty and alumni can attest, anthropological insight requires substantial time and effort. Fieldwork is only the starting point for analysis or additional laboratory study, and often months or years pass between a field observation and understanding of its true significance. Our most effective research insights and learning experiences occur through patient and sustained collaboration.

The Fund for the Practice of Anthropology has a two-fold purpose. Substantive training in anthropological fieldwork for students requires long-term field immersion and mentoring. This fund supports training opportunities and mentored research experiences for anthropology majors and minors through a competitive proposal process. The fund is also structured to allow donors to support individual faculty research projects. Wake Forest anthropology faculty members conduct fieldwork and partner with communities internationally and in many regions of the United States. Our scholarly and applied research often requires years of collaboration and fieldwork, and funds sometimes are needed to bridge gap years between grants or other sources of funding. Giving to this fund is a way to enhance the impact of our student mentored-research, a particular collaborative project, and/or a specific faculty member’s anthropological research.

Click here to Donate to the Wake Forest University Department of Anthropology.   This link will pre-designate the desired fund on the donation form—you only need to enter your donor information, gift, and any matching information.

Fund for Anthropology Student Professional Development

Career options have always mattered to our students but economic uncertainty has intensified job concerns in recent years. Anthropology teaches students the understanding of human diversity and multiculturalism needed to lead in a globalizing society and prepares them to assume roles of ethical leadership informed by anthropological perspectives. This fund was established to enhance departmental programs in student career development, an important initiative because the majority of our majors and minors do not become professional anthropologists. Groups of our students have attended applied career sessions at anthropological meetings and workshops about marketing degrees in the social sciences for business. The fund supports a range of programs throughout the year ranging from sessions on applying to graduate/professional schools to effectively communicating anthropological skills and potential value to employers across the private, governmental, and non-profit sectors.

Click here to Donate to the Wake Forest University Department of Anthropology.  This link will pre-designate the desired fund on the donation form—you only need to enter your donor information, gift, and any matching information.

The Department of Anthropology deeply appreciates the support of our friends and alumni regardless of financial giving.  Our Department carefully stewards our limited financial resources and we work to maximize the impact of any contributions made by students, faculty, alumni, and community partners.

With your help we can enhance our programs and extend the influence of anthropology at Wake Forest. We welcome additional ideas and will gladly discuss our future plans. Please write to the Department Chair, Steve Folmar, with any questions or comments at

Thank you!