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The Department of Anthropology confers graduation honors on students who possess distinguished records in Anthropology and in overall academic performance. To graduate with Honors in Anthropology, a student must have grade point averages of at least a 3.3 in all work and at least a 3.5 in Anthropology. The student must propose, carry out, write, and defend in oral examination a research project. The process of the research proposal, faculty approval, conduct of the research, writing of the results and defense of the research typically requires most of the senior year. Honors designation is contingent on the student’s final grade point average.

Honors Thesis Schedule and Procedures (Target Deadlines)

By the Beginning of the Senior Year

By November 1st of the Senior Year

By November 30th of the Senior Year

Mid-October through March

Early March

Two Weeks Prior to Your Presentation and Defense

By April 30th

Upon successful completion of the paper and examination, the advisor will certify the student for Honors. The Department Major Advisor will advise the Registrar of the student’s graduation with Honors in Anthropology.